Your Ultimate Guide to Various Types of Explainer Video Production

In the fast-evolving digital landscape whiteboard explainer videos are an effective way to convey meaningful messages. The increase in digital media representation of brands created new opportunities for better visual presentations. Animated videos act as a powerful tool to convey to-the-point information. In a very short span of time, digital explainer videos have become an integral part of business communication. These videos are also a great way to engage the audience for longer time intervals.


This blog will provide you with insights into how explainer video production works.

What are Animated Explainer Videos?

Explainer videos, as the name suggests are purpose-built videos that provide in-depth information about a number of things. They are short, engaging, have a strong concept, and provide solutions. Animated explainer videos are often either problem-focused or product/service-focused. Businesses can utilize these videos to their advantage when they introduce a new product or service. Also, explainer videos are a great help in creating brand awareness or setting an individual identity.


With the correct use, animated videos can integrate very well with the marketing goals of any business. These videos are concise in their approach. It includes only providing enough information that leaves the audience well-informed at the end of it. Leaving a memorable impact on the minds of people and being highly shareable are two distinct features of business explainer videos.

Types of Explainer Videos

It is hard to give an exact timeline of when explainer videos got so much popularity but it is safe to say that the future is for animated videos. These videos are a powerful tool to influence the understanding and decision-making ability of users.


There are several ways to produce explainer videos or you can say that explainer videos have several types depending on how they are produced. We will discuss some of the most famous and useful types of animated videos below;

Animated Explainer Videos

This is the most famous and in-demand type of explainer video in recent times. It uses a combination of digital and motion graphics to animate concepts. They are often narrative and are used to tell a story. They have a universal appeal and can cater to the needs of various real-world and imaginary concepts. These videos are a great way to convert complex ideas into simple visuals. Animated explainers are particularly famous for tech product reviews and abstract ideas.

Live Explainer Videos

Live-action explainer videos feature real people, physical objects, and settings to serve the purpose. They add a unique human touch and authenticity to the message. It allows the brands to connect with their target audience on a personal level. This dynamic way of connecting with your audience gives you a chance to foster long-lasting relations. When the content connects on personal and emotional levels, it drives better results. These videos work perfectly for product demonstration.

Whiteboard Explainer Videos

These videos work as an imitation of someone drawing on a whiteboard. A concept is explained in real time as the animation changes on the whiteboard. They often include sketches, text, and images to provide information on a topic or subject. These videos are highly engaging as they make educational or informative content easy to understand. Whiteboard explainer videos are highly attention-grabbing and retain attention for longer intervals.

Screencast Explainer Videos

Screencast is one of the many types of business explainer videos that includes recording of live actions on a computer or mobile screen. This kind of content is mainly used for tutorials or instructional videos. The primary focus of screencast is to explain step-by-step what is being demonstrated on the screen. They are a great learning tool.

Here’s How Business Explainer Videos Help

If your business or brand has a digital presence and you do not want to kill its growth potential then you need to rely on explainer video animation. These videos are the present and future of the business and marketing landscape. Let us explain this in easier terms by discussing the advantages and application of animated explainers.

Ease of Simplicity

Explainer videos are a hit in the marketing industry due to their high understandability. These videos are the perfect way to break down complex content into easy ones. We all love learning when it’s made easy. People prefer video-based content over text-based and that’s why explainer video production is so high in demand. The more compelling your visuals are the better.

Higher Engagement

Data suggests that business explainer videos drive higher engagement. This is due to the psychological nature of humans which requires appealing visuals to stay connected. These videos appeal to the visual sensory nerves of humans and thus drive better results. With a combination of engaging audio-visual content, these explainers grab and retain more attention than any other marketing content.

Higher Accessibility

Explainer video animation is created keeping in mind that they are highly shareable content. This type of content can be uploaded on various digital media platforms and shared across other channels. Their higher accessibility makes them reach wider audiences. This is one big reason for the success of explainer video campaigns.


While all the above-discussed advantages are the most frequently experienced, there’s a lot more that you can expect with the help of a good explainer video production agency.

How to Get Creative With Explainer Video Animation?


The best part about investing in business explainer videos is that they give you plenty of room to be creative. You can utilize this effective tool for various purposes as per your need and get maximum advantage. The use of explainer videos is widespread across all production and service industries. Below we shall discuss the three most frequent ways of application for explainer videos;

Business Marketing

The significance of explainer videos in businesses is evident with the increase in demand for quality explainer video production. They act as an effective tool in the overall marketing strategy of any business as they drive higher engagement. Corporations can rely on these videos to introduce their work or product/service in a memorable way and get higher conversion rates.

Educational & Informative Content

Another big application of animated explainers is in producing educational and informative content. These videos are best known for breaking down complex concepts into easily understandable ones. These kinds of informative explainers receive the highest viewer retention as they allow learning at the viewer’s own pace.

Customer Support & Product Reviews

Step-by-step guides, assembly instructions, and other essential product-related info can be given to the users in a visually appealing way with the help of explainer videos. Gone are the days of long text-based manuals now everything is delivered in a video format. It not only enhances customer experience but also reduces the support unit’s burden.


If you want to enjoy the benefits of animated explainers then look no further. Contact Synapse the best explainer video production agency today and experience a seamless delivery of your desired content.