
Boosting Brand Identity with Innovative Commercial Video Production Solutions

Did you know Videos are the best-performing type of content on the internet? According to some recent estimates, videos receive more attention and internet traffic than static or audio-only content. This means that video production is the future of the economy. In today’s experiential world, people love to see new trends every other day. Whether the medium is digital or broadcast, people rely on creative video solutions to have a good time.


If we look around ourselves we can find people scrolling video content down their mobile screens all the time. We even love spending our free time watching video streaming platforms or short video-producing apps like TikTok and YouTube shorts. If you too love getting immersed in your favorite video content then you can understand its significance. This industry is growing exponentially and it’s here to stay for a long time.


The commercial marketing and business world enjoys the benefits of video production the most. It is in fact, impossible to stay in the commercial world without utilizing video content. Have you ever wondered how this informative, funny, or commercial video content is produced? Well, this blog will give you a basic understanding of commercial video production with some secret information on the Synapse way of doing it. So keep reading on and educate yourself!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Commercial Video Production

To put it simply, video production is the process of creating video content. It may sound like a linear process of shooting videos but it is not. The process of commercial video production includes various steps. From planning to post-production, there’s a whole lot of work that requires professional expertise.


The process of producing commercial videos usually has specific goals. It might be for a business campaign or a marketing strategy. In the digital era, if you’re a brand, business, or individual who wants to stay in the game then you need to be well aware of the intricacies of commercial video production.


It is extremely important to have a clear vision of your requirements. Before you reach out to an agency that can create appealing videos for you, outline your specific needs. The more clear you are about your needs, the easier it is for the agents to work on your project. It is advisable to plan ahead and then begin the work so you can save big on your time and budget. Since creative video production makes a huge difference in driving desired results, we suggest that you only trust the best talent for your projects. One of the best video production companies in Dubai is Synapse which provides complete video solutions.

The Process Behind Commercial Video Production

The process of video production differs from videography in the sense that videography includes just the shooting of a video. Whereas, video production includes the complete end-to-end process of creating video content. Like any other process video production also requires a great team to create winning content. The team involved in creating appealing visual content comprises creative directors, scriptwriters, storyboard creators, graphic designers, and many more. The process of video production usually involves five steps.


The planning phase includes the ideation. This is where you have to be specific about your expectations and goals. The purpose and scope of the video are discussed here. Also, the target audience and market are decided at this stage.


The pre-production phase includes setting or finding out the appropriate location for the video shoot. Scriptwriting, storyboarding, and other logistical matters are also decided at this stage. This part outlines the look and feel of the final product.


The production phase includes the actual shoot of the commercial video. This is the stage where your creative vision is converted into a reality. Multiple shoot footage and sound records are acquired to be edited later.


Video post-production is an integral part of producing a commercial video. It includes image and sound editing, scoring, and the addition of special effects. This is the phase where your creative story is refined into the final narration.


While you may believe that the process of video production ends when the final content is produced, it is not so. The final stage of this process includes putting the finished product out on the market. This step is crucial to make your content appear in front of existing and potential customers.

Our Video Post-Production Process

The process of finalizing video post-production at Synapse gets the most attention. Although each part of the production cycle is important and deserves utmost attention. This is the phase where our team puts their creativity to the best use. The post-production phase usually acts as a mixture of problem-solving and creative expression. The addition of motion graphics or any visual effect to enhance the quality of the video is done here. Sound effects are also added or edited in the post-production phase.


The right choice of color grading and background music has adverse effects on your video project. Before deciding on an audio, the target audience, and their emotions are kept in mind. Our creative team utilizes their artful skills to edit your content to perfection. Post-production also allows you to repurpose your content in many ways.

Creative Video Solutions with Synapse

If you need creative video produced for your brand or business needs you have come to the right place. Synapse is a top-tier video production company based in the UAE. we provide end-to-end creative video solutions to a diverse audience all around the world.  We use our unique innovative approach to create video content that stands out from the rest of the world.


The best part about getting your commercial videos produced with Synapse is that we have a cost-effective policy. You can get your dream product in your decided budget. And another great news is that we have no hidden charges, you pay only what is decided in the pre-production phase.


If you want to elevate your brand identity or drive quick results for your business then contact our representatives today and get a quote!