
Why Do Businesses Need Explainer Videos?

To understand the growing need and fame of explainer video production let us first understand its meaning and purpose. Once we’ve got an idea of what an explainer video is only then we can understand its increasing importance. Usually, it only takes one good explainer to tell the whole world about your product or service and it’s worth it.

An explainer video is a short video serving the sole purpose of promoting a brand, individual, or corporation. Its primary focus is to clearly portray a company’s vision and explain the benefits and role of its products or services.

These explainers are a great help for businesses to engage better with their diverse audiences and increase conversion rates. When a brand is so delightfully presented to its potential customers, they love to engage and know more about it.

Newer research supports the view that people retain a message better when it’s delivered virtually in a video pattern rather than when it’s written. This shows the growing importance of explainer videos in getting the word around.

Hence, business explainer videos is the future of social media marketing as more industries now rely on it. With these videos, brands are at an advantage of better explaining themselves. Explain them in detail all about your product; how it’s made, what it does, and how they can utilize it.

This approach is also greatly helpful in breaking down complex ideas easily and explain concepts in a fun and engaging way. It not only gives a better understanding of your service but also builds credibility of your product.

10 Reasons for Choosing Business Explainer Videos

Explainer videos serve various needs of business and marketing strategies. According to the unique needs and demands of each industry, these videos can be utilized differently. The top ten ways of taking advantage of explainers are:


1. Increase Conversion

Animated explainer videos are considered one of the greatest sources of converting potential leads into clients. More than 85% of internet users make a purchase after watching an explainer video which is a stark realization. These videos are a business gem, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.


The better people understand the use of a product, the more they show interest in buying it. when an explainer video shows the solution of their problems, people convert into a potential lead and make quick decisions to buy it. This is greatly beneficial for startups and emerging businesses

2.  Draw High Interest Rates

Almost every growing business today uses animated explainer videos to demonstrate the use of their product and market it globally. Startups and medium-sized businesses prefer this mode of promotion more due to its greater benefits. Videos trend on social media and their content becomes easily popular.


Internet users love watching videos if they’re attractive and thus these videos are the best way to catch and retain user attention. This way brands can draw higher interest from potential leads and promote their business.

3. Deliver A Clear Message

It’s not easy to misinterpret explainer videos due to their very nature of being self-explanatory. These videos are the best way of sending clear messages and instructions to the general masses. From product demonstration to service delivery, everything can be easily understood through the help of explainers. These videos also have the added advantage of being fun and engaging.


4. Get A Better Google Ranking

Websites that are over loaded with images and written content do not rank better on Google. This is due to the shrinking attention span of the people. Visitors like to get all the necessary information they need in as little time as possible and animated explainer videos are the best way to do that.


If a visitor gets bored with a website’s content then it’s a lost opportunity. Explainers are the perfect way to catch quick attention and provide satisfactory solutions resulting in a purchase.

5. Higher Remembrance

Many sources confirm that people remember visual content better than text-based. In this regard, pictures work fine too but videos take the lead in making things more easily memorable. This shows that human brains retain information that is presented in a visually appealing way thus businesses need to make the most use of business explainers to gain attention and remembrance.

6. Better Web Traffic

Videos are creating the most traffic on the internet and this is only going to grow with time. Startups and emerging businesses are working on better explainer video production to be added to their website landing pages. This is highly helpful in receiving the most visits on their product or service pages.


Businesses can benefit greatly from trending or viral videos on their websites. Although there’s no defined formula to make a video viral, only the best quality content has the chance to trend on the internet.

7. Easily Shareable Content

The best thing about business explainer videos is their easy shareability. They can be easily uploaded and shared across all platforms in various formats. From a business point of view, this is an amazing advantage as businesses need to maintain their good performance on all famous platforms. From Facebook and Instagram to YouTube, a business has to be where its customers are. The popularity of these platforms means that your product is viewed by millions across the globe.

8. Pitch Like A Pro

There’s no better way to pitch a product or service than through an explainer. Text and pictures can surely get the job done but the impact a good video makes is unmatched. Text-based content is a good way to explain the use and benefits of a product but it lacks the visual appeal that videos offer.


The message in a video is delivered with the help of powerful animations or moving images. The use of vibrant colors, background music, and a good script makes the videos win. Customers are naturally attracted to content that is entertaining while also being informative thus animated explainer videos are the best way to pitch!

9. Develop A Unique Personality

With an increase in competition, brands need to create and identify a unique voice for them. Explainer videos help emerging or existing brands maintain a unique brand personality that makes them appear distinct from others. A unique brand persona is greatly helpful in influencing more business prospects and enhance the over-all brand image in an industry.


10. Become More Credible


Developing and maintaining credibility in the market is not easy for any brand. It takes years of consistency and hard work to achieve a place where people start to trust your business services or products. Business explainer videos can offer great help in achieving that state of mutual trust. Explainers help in convincing people to learn about your product and services. These videos are a way to show them your credibility and commitment.


The many advantages and functions of explainer video production are the reasons behind their increased popularity. If a business wants to expand in this polarized world then it needs to experiment with explainer videos. SyapseTalent can help in creating some cool business explainers for various niches so don’t forget to check their work out!